overcome procrastination tips # 1
Everything starts and ends with the self
And doing is synonymous to action, execution, implementation, carrying out – all these convey the active mode as opposed to the passive mode of just thinking.
The human brain knows no limits
when it comes to thinking out ways and strategies in dealing with all kinds of
problems, but if these strategies and plans are NOT acted upon, they really hold
no meaning – they’re like empty blueprints camouflaged in sparkling rhetoric. And rhetoric comes cheap these days.
We’ve made up our minds to be less
ambitious about this work, and called the 101 recommendations and suggestions
contained in this book as simply TIPS. Tips
on how NOT to procrastinate.
Procrastination pervades every aspect of
our lives. And we’ve mastered it to
perfection having learned a subtle form of it when we were babies.
We delayed falling asleep because
our mothers wouldn’t cradle us in her arms.
We’ve procrastinated in performing our duties at home, in school, in the
work place, and in our most fragile human relationships. We shudder to think what the final tally of
lost hours will be because we procrastinated habitually.
Some of the tips we share here may be
useful and some may be irrelevant.
Others will come in handy not necessarily today, but at a later stage of
our lives.
Procrastination is an expensive
habit. We discovered that one of the
ways that will not make us procrastinate is to figure out the dollar amount of
something that was not done because of procrastination.
It all points to the generally accepted
idea that time is money. This alone can serve as a strong motivator not to
procrastinate again. Or at least to try
not procrastinate!
Jack Canfield quoted Brian Tracy to drive
home the message: “Life is like a
combination lock; your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so
you can have anything you want”.
We’d be lying if we told you that if you
followed our 101 tips on how not to procrastinate, you can have anything you
want. It doesn’t work that way.
These tips are ideas that have come from
our heads and from other people’s heads.
And it’s up to you to apply them in every segment of your daily routine. Avoiding procrastination is more effective
when we start with little steps. It does
not mean having to change our lives drastically.
But as one writer said, not
procrastinating will make us appreciate the life we have now. And as we build on the small steps, we’d be
amazed at how much we can accomplish over the years.
In deciding not to procrastinate, you may
want to accompany this determination with clear cut and well defined
In other words, have a goal that is
quantified, and not just qualified.
For example, saying “I will lose weight”
is NOT as powerful as “I will lose 35 pounds in 1-1/2 years.” These are concrete data you can work
with. “I will lose weight” sounds noble
enough, but let’s count the ways, shall we?
overcome procrastination tips
If someone said to you that you were a
procrastinator, your immediate reaction would be to defend yourself. “It’s his
fault”, “My mother was like that too”, “I was forced to do something I didn’t
want to do”.
Some people like to blame their
misfortunes on others. But the truth is, you are equally at fault. You
procrastinate because you yourself choose to procrastinate. The sooner you accept that, the better you’ll
be able to overcome procrastination.
overcome procrastination tips # 1
Everything starts and ends with the self